Unusual Journal Prompts

10 Unusual Journal Prompts to Spark Creativity For Writers

Do you need a bit of creative juice to get going with your writing?

Whether you write fiction, short stories, or whatever, sometimes you get stuck creatively and need access to something to feed your writing inspiration. Well, guess what? I’ve got you covered with some unique journal prompts to spark creativity! 

These writing prompts are kind of weird. And random. Because I like a bit of weird and random. Also, this article is short. It’s written for adults, not children.

I hope these prompts twist you out of your own headspace into a warp zone of weirdness and possibly make you LOL. Strange, bizarre, unusual journal prompts are a lot of fun!

Unusual journal prompts for writers

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10 Unusual & Unique Journal Prompts For Writers

1. List 10 things you cannot argue with

This could be a potentially controversial thing to say, but some things are non-negotiable. Like infinity. I’d love to hear someone’s argument against infinity and why it does not exist. How the universe is not infinite. I think this would be impossible to argue against and anyone who tried it would fail.

Also, the 80’s metal band Iron Maiden. No one can argue against Iron Maiden

2. 10 Articles of men’s clothing or men’s fashion you cannot stand or which gives you pause

My friend and I were having this discussion the other day- What do men wear that you personally dislike? What turns you off or makes you shake your head?

For her, it’s light-wash jeans. For me, it’s coral-colored khaki-style shorts.

3. 10 Things that make you seriously wonder if life is a computer simulation

Example: The Mandela Effect. I definitely remember the BerenstEin Bears, not BerenstAin Bears.

Also, the fact that humans, as crazy as we are, can all agree on what year it is and what the date is each day. For some reason, we don’t fight over the date like we do everything else. This is a huge, suspicious red flag.

4. Create a 15-step emotional rollercoaster for someone

Jessica is feeling sad over a fight with her sister so she goes to meet up with a friend at a cafe. While walking towards the cafe, she bumps into an old flame. A feeling of intense anger hits, followed by frustration, lingering attraction, then annoyance at her feelings.

Later that night, her thoughts turn to obsession, internet stalking, and total sleeplessness. She replays the conversation in her head with her ex a million times. She realizes she’s getting delusional. As she turns around in bed once more, her eyes rest on the quartz crystal on her desktop, given to her by her sister. She thinks about calling but it’s 4 am. She’s exhausted. She’s getting hungry. And deep down, she’s angry.

5. 7 Unique characteristics of both your male and female characters.

She was always taking walks in the rain. He had the perfect tan from working outside every day.

6.  7 Hott-mess situations

It was raining and blowing so hard her umbrella flipped inside out. At the same time, her hat blew off her head and landed on an open container of take-out food atop a pile of trash. A bum yelled out from behind a cardboard box next to the trash can, startling her into spilling coffee all over herself.

7. 5 Of the most WTF things anyone has ever said to you

Once someone told me “You’ve really got the rat by the ass.”  I was speechless.

8. 10 “BAM!” moments that hit like a ton of bricks

The moment you finally realized what you were truly feeling. That time you were drunk until suddenly you were stone-cold sober. That moment you caught a glimpse of her true character.

9. 10 Sexy scenarios of romantic encounters or conversation

“I just wanted to let you know you’re so fine. I never imagined meeting someone like you in a place like this.”

10. Write a few sentences about the 5 worst people you have ever known 

She always had a smile on her face and acted like the kindest person on earth. I thought she was my best friend until I realized she was secretly jealous, evil, and trying to ruin my marriage.

Journal prompts book
Now on Amazon, check out The Ultimate Book of Journal Prompts!


That’s it for now. I hope this list of unusual and weird journal prompts helped inspire you to write. Let me know some of your answers in the comments below!

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