Art Quotes

15 Inspirational Art Quotes For Artist {Motivation!}

Reading inspirational art quotes is a great way to get motivated and inspired to create art.

When you’re feeling creatively blocked, sometimes it helps to hear someone else’s words or perspective. Art quotes can be deeply inspirational and help shift your imagination into feeling a sense of excitement about creating stuff. I know it helps me to read inspiring words and see beautifully inspired imagery. I deeply appreciate art, and if you’re reading this, I’ll bet you do, too.

Of course, seeing beautiful art in a museum or online is incredibly inspiring too. As well as hearing music that moves your soul. I simply can’t get enough of art in all its forms. Words, music, and images are food for our creative selves.

So without further delay, here are 15 Inspirational quotes for artists. These words are a collection of some of my favorite art quotes. Each saying has inspired me in some way. And I’m sure they will give you all the art inspiration feels! Each quote featured can be pinned to your Pinterest boards, so feel free to share. You can use these quotes as inspiration for your art journal, creative writing, drawing, painting, and more!

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Art quotes

Some of my favorite art quotes by famous artists!

15 Inspirational Art Quotes for Artists

1. A line is a dot that went for a walk. -Paul Klee

That’s all a line really is.

Is it just me, or do you picture stick figures in motion? Does this art quote make you want to draw or what? What a fun perspective!

Related: 15 Creative Art Journal Page Ideas For Inspiration

Inspirational art quotes

2. Being creative is not a hobby, it’s a way of life. -Unknown

Being an artist of any kind is a lifestyle choice. And no matter your skill level, it’s a lifestyle you can consciously and purposefully commit to.

Committing yourself to being creative and making stuff as much as possible is a positive way to increase intelligence, self-esteem, and happiness. Even if you make stuff that you don’t think is any good. It’s ok! Just keep making!

Creativity is also a great distraction or tactic to combat anxiety or depression.

Related: How to Boost Creativity: Take the Creativity Challenge.

15 Inspirational Art quotes

3. There is no time to waste not creating art.

When you commit yourself to creativity, inspiration will find you! You may start getting more ideas than you have time for. Your priorities may shift to include more time for art and less time for other activities. Soon you will find that you don’t have time not to make art!

Inspirational art quotes

4. Creativity is contagious, pass it on. -Albert Einstein

When you share your creative gifts with your family, friends, and the world, you inspire so many people. You have the power to set an example of how creativity can manifest. Why not blaze a trail!

Inspirational art quotes

5. Making bad art is better than making no art. Go make some art! -Unknown

Stop comparing yourself to others and simply create.

We all have to push past resistance to what blocks us from making stuff, and comparison is certainly a big obstacle. But it doesn’t have to be when you recognize it as one. Keep on making art, even if you think it’s terrible. A wonderful book about pushing through creative blocks that I highly recommend is called “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield.

Inspirational art quotes

6. Art is chaos taking shape. -Pablo Picasso

All art was thought (chaos) before it became art.

Thoughts become tangible the moment an artist decides to make them into something. What will your thoughts become?

Inspirational art quotes

7. Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. -Erich Fromm

One thing that stops people from creative pursuits is the fear of making mistakes. But creativity is always about bringing forth the unknown or bringing forth something new.

To express yourself as an artist, embrace the unknown, and let go of the fear of failure. I would venture to say that you cannot entirely know a piece of art before you make it.

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Inspirational art quotes

8. I don’t express myself in my paintings. I express my non-self. -Mark Rothko

Creative energy is so mysterious. With art, we can express that mysterious energy as it moves us.

Do you love Rothko’s color field paintings as much as I do? You may enjoy this coffee table book.

Inspirational Art Quotes

9. Art is what you can get away with. -Andy Warhol

Wasn’t Andy a genius?

Some people love art that makes them wonder what the heck is going on, and some people hate it. And people will argue all day about what art is in the first place.

This quote seems to be the perfect definition of what art truly is- it’s whatever you can get away with.

Inspirational Art Quotes

10. Today I shall create. -Unknown

Challenge yourself to make something each day, but don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Creativity happens one small moment at a time.

Create for today. Tomorrow do the same. And repeat the next day. Just stay inspired for art and commit to create, create, create!

Related: 15 Art History-Inspired Art Journal Prompts {+ Free PDF Journal Prompts!}

Inspirational Art Quotes

11. You can’t use up creativity- the more you use, the more you have. -Maya Angelo

The more art you make, the more ideas you get. It’s magical like that. Inspiration is everywhere and often, it will strike while you’re working on something unrelated.

You can’t run out of ideas because ideas are infinite. Lack does not exist in the creative realm. So have no fear!

Inspirational art quotes

12. Creativity is magic; don’t examine it too closely. -Edward Alder

I think creativity is fascinating to examine. But sometimes it’s best to not interrupt the creative flow.

While writing, for example, it’s often easier to write your first draft all in one go. Then go back to edit later.

Inspirational art quotes

13. I paint flowers so they do not die. -Frida Kahlo

And her work will live forever. Frida was so cool. This art quote is inspiring because it affirms that art is eternal. Art can live forever.

Inspirational art quotes

14. Everything you can imagine is real. -Pablo Picasso

All art starts with imagination.

Anything you can imagine exists on some level. You can call that level “the creative field” “the ether” or “God.” Whatever suits your thoughts. Art is a pure manifestation, it’s a “making real” of your imagination.

Inspirational art quotes

15. I dream my painting and I paint my dream. -Vincent Van Gogh

Express yourself! Paint what you dream or envision.

Then when you’re falling asleep, visualize your creative process. This may help to grow art ideas in your sleep.

When you fall asleep thinking about art, your mind works on your ideas overnight and may give you more creative ideas during the day. I use this trick for writing, and I often get spontaneous new writing ideas the next morning.

Inspirational art quotes

Inspirational art quotes conclusion:

Along with inspirational art quotes, you might try podcasts, YouTube, Instagram, or blogs to fire you up. Feed your imagination, then start working on your art, music, or writing STAT! The creative lifestyle requires action, again and again.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these 15 inspiring art quotes. Have a lovely day!

Quotes book
Now on Amazon! 1001 Powerful Life-Changing Quotes: Inspiration, Motivation, and Wisdom of the Ages

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