Night prayers

5 Simple Night Prayers & Affirmations to Say Before Bedtime

If you find yourself tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep because of anxiety and or restless thoughts, saying a few simple night payers can help.

Many people struggle with worrisome thoughts right before bed. Nighttime is when you can finally get a minute to think after a busy day. So naturally, it’s a time when your mind starts to wander and problems seem bigger than they are.

That is why it helps to say a few simple nighttime prayers and affirmations to put your mind into a peaceful state before bedtime. Night prayers and affirmations can empower you to feel more peaceful, less fearful, and fall asleep more easily. They may even protect against bad dreams.

You don’t have to be religious to pray. These night-time prayers and affirmations are inclusive and universal. They are for anyone interested in simple night prayer ideas. You can use these prayers and affirmations every night before bedtime to help you get better sleep. I find they help tremendously to give me inner strength, peace, and calm.

Since I started my nighttime prayer routine, I have fallen asleep faster and have had much more peaceful dreams. I feel mentally stronger and I have less anxiety. Check them out and see for yourself!

Disclaimer: These nighttime prayers and affirmations are not meant to be a cure for any medical condition. Please talk with your doctor about any medical concerns. For more information click here.**

night time prayers

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Before we begin, let’s mention language real quick.

If you’re not religious and don’t want to say God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, etc in your night prayer, substitute something else that works for you. For example, higher self, Universe, guardian angels, spiritual guardians, Goddess, etc.

I have no qualms, so I’ll use the word God in this article, but I want you to know these prayers are for everyone.

5 Powerful Night Prayers & Affirmations for Bedtime

1.“Dear God, please protect my mind.”

We all have our everyday struggles. Work, financial issues, relationship issues, and more. Not to mention pain from the past, uncertainty about the future, and more. It can be a lot to deal with mentally and emotionally, but night prayers can help.

I pray to God every night to protect my mind from all negative, dark, or anxious thoughts. Saying this night prayer before bed makes me feel powerfully protected.

You could say this nighttime prayer as an affirmation, i.e., “My mind is protected by the Holy Spirit.” Or “My mind is protected by my guardian angels.”

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2.“I only consent to peaceful, positive dreams.”

If you have been experiencing bad dreams, this nighttime affirmation can stop them in their tracks. If it feels right, you can add “In Jesus’ name.” You could also say this as a prayer: “Heavenly Father, I only consent to good dreams.”

No one knows what dreams are exactly, or what causes different types of dreams. Do we communicate with different entities, energies, and spirits in dreamland? If so, then it stands to reason that we have a choice about who or what we interact with in dreams, just as we do in real life.

That is why consenting to only peaceful, positive dreams is so important. Saying “Yes” to good dreams allows for interaction with positive forces such as angels and blocks negative energies.

With this nighttime affirmation, you are by default saying “No” to scary dreams and negative entities that might try to contact you while asleep. You are affirming the positive; that you consent to good dreams only. This works better than a night-time affirmation such as “I don’t consent to scary dreams” because, in the former, you are using the language of the negative thing you do not want.

This simple night prayer for good dreams is a powerful shield. Every night since I started this prayer a few weeks ago, I have not had bad dreams. Weird dreams, yes. But scary dreams? No.

Related: Why Do You Wake Up at 3 AM? Good Spiritual Reasons

3.“Dear God, I trust you.”

Affirming your trust in a higher power is extremely powerful. This simple night affirmation strengthens your relationship with God, (or the Universe, Goddess, your angels, etc.)

If you can feel this affirmation in your heart as truth, it will set you free. You will feel a true absence of worry when you turn your fears over to God.

The power of God supports you. You can surrender your worries to this power. You don’t have to control any outcomes, and you don’t have to always do or say the right thing. You don’t need to have all the answers.

God knows the way. God will guide you if you ask for guidance. This knowing allows you to relax. Trusting in a higher power frees your mind to let go of controlling or predicting outcomes so you can fall asleep more easily.

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4.“I forgive my mistakes”

If you tend to worry about what you said or start reminiscing on some past failure or humiliating moment, then this is a night prayer you need.

Even if these words don’t feel true to you, with practice, they can become your truth.

It’s powerful to realize how imperfect we all are. Incredibly imperfect. So, forgive yourself and let the shame and worry go. Whatever you did that you still feel like crap about- forgive and let it go. If there is anything you know you need to do, like apologize, then commit to yourself to do so ASAP. But other than setting something right, you need to give yourself grace.

While you are at it, say a nighttime prayer of forgiveness for anyone who has hurt you. Your prayers don’t mean that you simply forget or an injustice is okay. Just that you have decided to let your pain go for your own well-being. Let your bedtime be filled instead with peace and grace.

Related: 60 “I Am Enough” Quotes to Encourage Self-Love and Worthiness

5.“Universe, I’m ready for the next level of happiness.”

I just love this universal and positive night prayer. It’s great for everyone!

Isn’t it beautiful that we live in an infinite universe? There is always more to discover, and our souls are continuously expanding. As humans, we have so much potential for love, joy, inspiration, fascination, fun, and pure bliss.

Even if you are quite happy, there is always room for more happiness. Even if you have it all, there is still more to have. That’s the nature of the universe.

There is nothing wrong with infinite expansion; it doesn’t mean you are never satisfied with what you have. Wanting more doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate what you have. Rather, you embrace life fully and live without limits.

So, no matter if you are in the pits of despair or already riding high on life, ask for that next level. Feel it, and say yes to life getting better and better.

Finishing your nighttime prayers with affirming the next level of happiness just feels good. It’s nice to end on a prayer of readiness for good to come.

Final thoughts about the power of nighttime prayer

Using these 5 simple night prayers and affirmations can empower you to feel calmer and sleep better at night. Don’t hesitate to ask for protection, consent to positive dreams only, trust in a higher power, give yourself grace, and affirm your next level of happiness.

You don’t have to battle your worries before bed alone. You don’t have to toss and turn with what-ifs. You can turn your fears over to something greater than yourself. You can create boundaries about what kind of energy you allow during sleep. Night prayer can help.

Furthermore, as I like to tell myself: You have done the best you can, and the day is over.

If you have more things you need to get done, problems to solve, or urgent business to attend to then go do it now if you can. Or write it down for tomorrow.

But if you cannot (and usually we can’t right before bed) then there is nothing you can do. You may as well sleep.

I hope you found these nighttime prayers and affirmations relevant or adaptable to your personal beliefs. I hope they help you sleep more soundly and feel empowered for good dreams. There is nothing like a peaceful night’s sleep, and you deserve it.

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