Candle Colors for Manifestation

Candle Colors for Manifesting: Candle Color Meanings & Which to Use

Have you ever wondered about the best candle colors for manifesting during magic or prayer? Fire is one of the most powerful forces in existence, and candles are an easy way to use fire for manifesting and creating your desired reality. Many cultures and religions across the globe have incorporated the use of candles in…

how to speak it into existence

How to “Speak it into Existence”- Manifest By Talking

Have you ever wondered about the phrase “Speak it into existence”? What does that mean, and is it really possible to speak things into reality? It might sound “out there” but people have been using speech to manifest since the beginning of time.    Speaking is incredibly powerful. Every word or combination of words spoken…

Manifest love

How to Manifest Love- Align Your Energy to Magnetize Your Soulmate

If you want to attract true love but keep finding yourself alone, please do not give up hope. Your soulmate is out there somewhere and they want to find love just as strongly as you. To someone out there, you are their perfect match. So how do you find this person? It’s all a matter…

How to script manifest

How to Script Manifest the Day, Week, or Month Ahead {+PDF}

If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, you probably know that like attracts like. It’s a Universal Law. If your thoughts and energy are vibrating at a certain frequency, you will manifest into your reality that which matches your specific frequency. Feeling lonely and wishing for love? That energy manifests more loneliness. But…

369 Method

What is the 369 Method & How to Use it {+ Printable Worksheet}

If you can dream it, you can achieve it! That is the essence of manifesting and the basis of The Law of Attraction, which states that whatever you focus on, you attract into your reality. There are many ways to use the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desires, but one popular new way is…

Weather magic and manifestation

5 Easy Manifestation Techniques Using the Magic of Weather

If you are looking for easy yet powerful manifesting techniques, you will love learning about manifesting with the weather. Weather, such as hot dry sun, cool pouring rain, or sparkling crystal snow is a powerful and completely natural manifesting tool. The nuances in energy from different weather conditions have the power to perfectly enhance your…