Unblock Your Mind
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5 Ways to Unblock Your Mind & Shake Up Your Energy

Have you been looking for ways to clear your mind and create life changes? Are you trying to maximize your creativity or manifest something in your life? In this article, I share with you 5 methods I use to shake up my energy when I want to manifest, gain clarity, make a change, or need…

Healthy Morning Routine Printable

Easy Healthy Morning Routine- Printable Checklist Included {Free PDF!}

Do you struggle with getting ready in the morning, intending to follow a healthy morning routine, but end up eating a bagel as you run out the door? It can be hard to feel motivated or productive first thing in the am. But your mornings don’t have to feel rushed, energy-draining, or uninspired. Instead, morning…

How to Work From Home With Kids

How to Work From Home With Kids Without Losing Your Mind

Being able to work from home with kids can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to do as an at-home mom, and it’s easy to get burned out. Nevertheless, most of us need to make an income. We also have ideas, stuff to say, things to create, and life goals. Balancing being an at-home-mom and working…

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List for Weight Loss Plus Free PDF Printable

If you are thinking of including more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, then this article will help you learn what to eat and what to avoid. Learn what an anti-inflammatory diet is, and how an anti-inflammatory diet can help you achieve optimum health to feel your absolute best. Get tips on how to stick with…

Sunday Afternoon Activities List

67 Chill Sunday Afternoon Activities for Self-Care and Relaxation

Sunday fun day, or more-low key? If you want to spend a chill Sunday afternoon relaxing but you are undecided on what to do, you will love these 67 laid-back and fun Sunday afternoon activities! Each one of these Sunday afternoon activities is carefully considered for maximum enjoyment with no stress. Because sometimes you just…

Grain Intolerance and Back Pain

Self-Diagnosed Grain Intolerance: Discovering My Back Pain Root Cause

This is my chronic back pain to total wellness journey. If you suffer from chronic and mysterious back pain, I wrote this article for you. In this post, I’d like to share with you my experiences living with chronic mysterious back pain for 8 years, and how I finally cured myself for good. In the…