5 Ways to Connect With Your Angels (Easy & Intuitive)
Do you want to connect with your angels?
We all have angels who are there to guide and support us, even if their presence feels far away. These spiritual guardians, made of pure positive and loving energy, communicate with us through subtle signs and messages such as numbers, coins, rainbows, and more.
Your angels love to offer guidance, comfort, direction, and protection. So whether you seek advice on love, career, health, friendship, or any of life’s many challenges, connecting with your angels can bring clarity and contentment.
If you’re not sure who your angels are, simply ask and your intuition will guide you. You may sense your angels as ancestors, deceased pets, or other loving spirits.
With time, you’ll begin to recognize the presence of your angels when they place signs in your path. There are many unique ways they communicate with you, and the communication is often personal- a certain song, flower, or number, for example.
The connection you form with your angels can lead to a greater sense of trust and harmony in your life, as well as insights into your life’s purpose and direction.
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5 Ways to Connect with Your Angels
There are several ways to connect with your guardian angels and get messages from them. The best thing to do is use your intuition to choose the way that feels natural and right for you. Here are some easy ways to establish a connection with your angels:
1. Meditation & Visualization
Meditation is a powerful practice for quieting the mind and creating a receptive state for angelic communication.
To begin, find a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Some people like to surround themselves with crystals or burn sage; it’s completely up to you.
As you settle into a state of relaxation, focus on your intention to connect with your angels. You might imagine something like a soft, white light surrounding you, inviting your angels to join you.
Allow thoughts to come and go, and stay open to any sensations, words, images, or feelings that may arise. See if you can pick up on any subtle messages from your angels.
Related: 111 Questions to Ask Your Spirit Guides
2. Prayer
Prayer is a powerful and direct way to communicate with your angels. When you pray, you express your needs, gratitude, hopes, and wishes.
You can pray silently or aloud, in a specific way or spontaneously. No matter how you pray, know that they can hear you.
Some people like to light a certain candle color or hold a crystal, but the most important thing to do is center yourself and simply say hello to your angels.
You can then ask for their guidance, protection, or clarity on specific issues. Express your gratitude for their presence and assistance in your life.
Knowing that prayer is a two-way communication; after you speak, listen and feel for any response from your angels. You may feel a certain sensation, have an inner knowing, hear words (in a psychic sense) or experience another form of angelic communication.
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3. Divination Tools
Divination tools like tarot cards, oracle cards, or pendulums can serve as tools for receiving messages from your angels. Some people like runes, crystal balls, or other scrying devices like mirrors.
Each tool is different, so choose what you like to use. I’m a fan of tarot cards myself.
Start by setting the intention for the tool you use and declare it to be used for clear and positive communication with your angels.
When you’re ready, hold the cards, pendulum, or other divination tool in your hands and focus on your question or the area where you need insight. For tarot or oracle cards, shuffle the deck while thinking of your question. Then draw the cards, interpret the imagery, and connect with your angels intuitively. For pendulums, ask yes/no questions and observe the direction of the swing.
Keep an open mind and use your intuition wisely to know what your angels are saying.
Related: Tarot for Beginners- Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to Know
4. Automatic Writing or Drawing
Automatic writing or drawing involves letting go of conscious control and allowing your hand to move freely, guided by your guardian angels.
Start by sitting in a quiet space with a pen and paper. Relax and take a few deep breaths, setting your intention to connect and communicate with your guardian angels.
As you enter a relaxed state, let your hand start moving across the paper without thinking about what you’re writing or drawing. Don’t worry about making sense; just allow the process to flow.
You might write words or draw symbols, images, or even abstract shapes. Afterward, review what you’ve created and see if any messages or insights seem important or like signs from your angels.
5. Dream Work
Dreams can be a powerful channel for receiving guidance from your guardian angels.
To start dream work, set your intention before sleeping to remember and understand your dreams. Affirm that you will have success in dream communication with your angels, and have positive expectations without pressure. Then, allow yourself to fall asleep.
Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record any dreams or impressions you have as soon as you wake up. Immediately jot down what you can remember.
As you keep recording your dreams for a few days or weeks, pay attention to recurring themes, symbols, or feelings in your dreams, as these can be significant messages from your angels.
You can also practice lucid dreaming, where you become aware that you’re dreaming and can interact more consciously and connect with your angels in your dreams. This can be tricky but many people can lucid dream, especially with practice. Over time, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the symbolic language of your dreams and how your angels use this realm to communicate with you.
Related: The Best Crystals for Sleep to Keep By Your Bed
Final Thoughts
When you connect your angels it can be both uplifting and exhilarating. Receiving angel messages is exciting and soothing all at once.
By intentionally using meditation, prayer, and divination tools, you can invite communication and connection with your guardian angels more often.
Whether you’re quietly praying, meditating, engaging in dream work, or using another method to talk to your angels, finding what works best for you is key to deepening your connection.
Building a relationship with your angelic guardians is a personal and evolving journey. Be patient, listen, and use your intuition carefully for the best results.
Trust your gut, receive their messages, and know that your angels are always there, ready to support you every step of the way.
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