A woman sitting on the beach meditation on her crown chakra. There's a purple glow around her head.

111 Brilliant Crown Chakra Affirmations for Higher Consciousness

Using crown chakra affirmations is a powerful way to help unblock and heal your crown chakra.

The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is located at the top of the head. The color of this chakra center is violet or white, and it is associated with higher consciousness, enlightenment, spiritual connection, and inner wisdom. When the crown chakra is blocked or out of balance, different emotional and physical problems can manifest.

Let’s talk briefly about the crown chakra and what blocked or imbalanced energy within this chakra looks like. Then, read through the uplifting, positive, and healing affirmations. You can download the free PDF crown chakra affirmations list at the end to use whenever you’d like.

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*This article is for entertainment purposes only and contains no medical advice or information. No financial advice is included. See privacy policy & disclosures for more details.

As you may know, chakras are energy centers in the body. There are at least 7 main chakras in the body, but there may be as many as 114 chakra energy points all over the body.

The word chakra translates to “wheel” in ancient Sanskrit because the energy of each chakra center is believed to “spin like a wheel.”

If your crown chakra “gets stuck,” the energy wheel does not spin freely. And thus, the chi (the life force energy within the chakra) becomes stagnant.

The good news is, you can heal, balance, and open the crown chakra. And as with many energy imbalances, healing often begins in the mind. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful.

Imbalances within the crown chakra

Any chakra, including the crown chakra, can become blocked or stuck due to various forms of trauma, loss, or pain.

Those who have a damaged or blocked crown chakra may experience problems with their spiritual connection, sense of purpose, or understanding of their place in the universe. They may have difficult emotions, including confusion, cynicism, or a lack of direction.

With crown chakra damage, it’s also possible to experience physical symptoms such as headaches or fatigue. In these cases, it’s important to talk to a medical doctor first. But you can also explore healing crown chakra energy through alternative practices such as affirmations and chakra meditation.

So, without further delay, here are 111 strengthening crown chakra affirmations. May these statements empower you to heal your energy to feel more connected, enlightened, and at peace.

Related: Best Chakra Stones and Crystals and How to Use Them

111 Crown Chakra Affirmations

*If you don’t feel comfortable with the word “God”, please substitute it with the word you use to describe the loving divine source of all creation. This article is meant to be inclusive and beneficial to all spiritual beliefs.

I am connected to God as I experience this divine force.

I trust the wisdom of the universe.

I am open to higher consciousness.

I am a part of the divine plan.

My life is filled with purpose and meaning.

I am aligned with my highest self.

I am a vessel for divine light.

I am connected to all that is.

I trust the journey of my life.

I am open to divine guidance.

I am one with the universe.

My mind is clear and focused.

I am in tune with my spiritual self.

I am connected to the infinite wisdom of God.

I am at peace with myself and the world.

I trust in the process of life.

I am open to receiving divine love.

I am connected to my higher self.

I am a spiritual being having a human experience.

I am aligned with the divine energy of the universe.

I am open to the flow of divine wisdom.

I am connected to the source of all creation.

I trust the unfolding of my life.

I am open to the mysteries of the universe.

I am one with the divine.

My mind is open to higher wisdom.

I am in alignment with my soul’s purpose.

I am connected to the universal consciousness.

I trust in the divine plan for my life.

I am open to spiritual growth and awakening.

I am a channel for divine wisdom.

I am connected to the light of God.

I trust the guidance of the universe.

I am open to higher knowledge.

I am one with all that exists.

My mind is open to new possibilities.

I am in tune with the universe.

I am connected to God as the source of all wisdom.

I trust in the flow of life.

I am open to the energy of the universe.

I am aligned with my higher purpose.

I am connected to the divine light within me.

I trust the path before me.

I am open to the love of the universe.

I am one with the cosmic energy.

My mind is open to divine inspiration.

I am in alignment with God’s will.

I am connected to the infinite light of the universe.

I trust the process of spiritual awakening.

I am open to the guidance of my higher self.

I am one with the earth.

My mind is open to the wisdom of the universe.

I am in tune with nature’s flow.

I am connected to the source of divine love.

I trust the journey of my soul.

I am open to spiritual enlightenment.

I am a channel for positive energy.

I am connected to the universal mind.

I trust in the divine timing of my life.

I am open to higher vibrations.

I am one with the earth.

My mind is open to new insights.

I am in alignment with universal truth.

I am connected to the divine source within me.

I trust the wisdom of my higher self.

I am open to the flow of universal energy.

I am one with God.

My mind is open to the mysteries of the universe.

I am in tune with divine frequency.

I am connected to the source of all being.

I trust the process of spiritual growth.

I am open to the light of the universe.

I am aligned with the divine purpose of my life.

I am connected to the infinite wisdom within me.

I trust in the guidance of the universe.

I am open to the energy of God.

I am one with the universal consciousness.

My mind is open to higher understanding.

I am in alignment with the divine order.

I am connected to the source of all knowledge.

I trust the unfolding of my spiritual path.

I am open to the love of God.

I am one with the divine light.

My mind is open to divine truth.

I am in tune with the universal energy.

I am connected to the infinite source of love.

I trust in the process of enlightenment.

I am open to the wisdom of the universe.

I am one with the spiritual energy of the universe.

My mind is open to the guidance of the divine.

I am in alignment with the universal will.

I am connected to the source of all creation.

I trust the journey of my spiritual awakening.

I am open to higher levels of consciousness.

I am one with my higher self.

My mind is open to the mysteries of the universe.

I am in tune with the infinite wisdom of the universe.

I am connected to pure love.

I trust in the flow of universal energy.

I am open to the guidance of the universe.

I am one with unity consciousness.

My mind is open to the light of the universe.

I am in alignment with my divine purpose.

I am connected to God.

I trust the process of spiritual evolution.

I am open to the energy of the divine.

I am one with the holy spirit.

My mind is open to higher wisdom.

I am in tune with the cosmic flow of energy.

I am connected to the infinite light within me.

I trust in the divine plan of my life.

    Free Printable Crown Chakra Affirmations

    You can download these crown chakra affirmations below. May they assist you in elevating your consciousness and tapping into your spirituality even more deeply.

    Crown Chakra Affirmations Printable

    Final Thoughts

    As you know, the main goal of caring for your chakra energy center is to unblock them or keep them clear so that chi energy (including emotion, physical, mental, and spiritual energy) may flow freely within the body.

    Healthy physical practices such as proper diet and exercise are imperative to support your energy body, but your thoughts are incredibly powerful as well.

    We all have the power to train our thoughts to be more positive, loving, kind, and hopeful. Much of the time, positive expectation manifests positive results. Know that it is safe to feel joy, love, happiness, and a deep sense of spirituality. Holding onto fear and discomfort does not generally keep you safe.

    It can feel hard to shift emotions and thoughts, especially after trauma, but we are all still responsible for our own lives. So, it’s important to try to enjoy our lives, feel happier, and heal crown chakra energy when it seems out of balance. Affirmations, when practiced regularly, can greatly empower positive change in the mind and body.

    I hope you found these crown chakra affirmations healing and empowering. Have a lovely day!

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