70 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery & Identity {+ Free PDF Printable}
Journal prompts for self-discovery can help you begin writing about who you are inside.
Journaling is great for self-reflection when it comes to identifying your true self and what you want in life.
Writing helps you see on paper the wisdom and answers which are already inside of you. It’s just a matter of uncovering those answers by reflecting on your identity, your values, beliefs, desires, and more. When you come to know yourself better, you can create your best life more intentionally.
These journaling prompts about self-discovery and identity are a simple tool to spark your own inner knowing about your true, authentic self.
The journal prompts in this article are available as a free PDF printable worksheet. Find them at the end of this article. Then simply download and print. You can refer back to them any time you wish.
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How journaling for self-discovery works
Journaling can help you know who you are at your core. Journal writing helps personal growth because it:
- Allows you to get clear on your personal values.
- Helps you discover what truly brings you joy.
- Enables you to map out goals or make plans.
- Shows you what you need to prioritize.
- Shows what to let go of.
- Reveals how you identify.
- And much more.
Let’s get straight to the self-discovery journal questions.
Related: 30 Daily Journal Prompts to Start Writing {Free PDF Printable Included}
70 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery & Identity
- What does the best version of you look like?
- What is your idea of the perfect day?
- How do you feel right now and why?
- What are your favorite ways to unwind?
- What are you great at?
- List 10 things you can do to feel your best each day.
- What are some things you have always wanted to try?
- Describe where you see yourself in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.
- What can you do today that your future self will thank you for?
- Who do you need to forgive?
- What do you need to let go of?
- How can you take better care of yourself?
- What does self-care look like to you?
- Describe your ideal future.
- How do you want to feel each day?
- What inspires you the most?
- Do you set limits for yourself? What are they? What about timelines?
- Is there anything you want but it feels out of reach?
- What have you already achieved or experienced that your younger self never would have imagined?
- What advice or encouragement would your future self give to you?
- List your top goals for this year, and for your life.
- Describe your support network and how those closest to you make you feel.
- Describe who you would like to manifest into your life. A new friend, mentor, or love interest?
- Name ten ways you identify in terms of personality. Examples- shy, loud, nice, grumpy, hyper, lazy.
- How are your identities helpful or unhelpful? Fixed or changeable?
- How do you envision yourself evolving as a person?
- Write your thoughts on personal development.
- What do you love about yourself?
- What do you love about your life?
- What have you learned to love about yourself that you struggled with in the past?
- Describe what you are most grateful for.
- Describe your personal values.
- Journal about your spiritual beliefs and how you identify spiritually.
- Who or what makes you laugh the hardest?
- Who do you look up to the most and why?
- Journal what memories you cherish the most.
- Describe your happiest day ever.
- What are your prized possessions and why?
- What are your biggest distractions?
- And your biggest motivators?
- What do you want to give to the world or others?
- What new skills would you like to learn?
- How do you want to be seen?
- What do you identify as “needing improvement” in your life?
- What are you most proud of?
- How do you feel about your body?
- How do you feel about your personality?
- What about your mind?
- Journal what makes you unique.
- How would your closest friends describe you?
- How would you describe yourself to a stranger?
- What is beautiful to you?
- List some beliefs that are non-negotiable to you.
- And some beliefs that might change or that are only partially formed.
- What difficulties are you overcoming?
- Where have you been fortunate in life?
- What are some self-care acts can you engage in to heal past hurt and move on?
- How do you express yourself, advocate for yourself, or let your needs be known?
- Describe your boundaries with other people.
- How do you identify currently related to your job or career?
- Write about any discrepancies between your current identity vs your desired identity.
- List some ways in which you can help other people easily and joyfully.
- How can other people help you?
- What kind of energy are you putting out into the world?
- List 10 fun adventures youād like to have.
- What fulfills you?
- What excites you?
- And what holds you back?
- Write about any wisdom you have learned recently.
- What wisdom would you share with your children or future generations?

The benefits of self-discovery
Happiness starts with knowing yourself. Knowing yourself can take some serious thought and introspection. But discovering yourself is incredibly empowering.
When you have a strong sense of identity and self-knowledge, you can better care for, love, and accept yourself for who you are. You can make better choices and do what’s best for you without getting so influenced by others.
Having a strong sense of self makes you more confident. And has the added benefit of drawing people to you. This is because strong energy feels solid and secure. A confident and secure sense of self creates a frequency vibration that is both comforting and inspiring to others.
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What to know about the self-discovery process
It’s helpful to remember that we are all constantly growing and evolving, as nature intended. What you feel to be true about your identity today may change six months from now, 2 years from now, or even tomorrow. Identities evolve. Thatās perfectly normal.
The self-discovery process can surprise you. You may find that your true self is slightly different than you thought or how you identified before thinking so deeply about it.
For example, maybe you always wanted to be popular, but your identity was that you were unpopular. But upon journaling and self-reflection, you realized you’re an introvert. If you truly really wanted to be more social, you would be. But you don’t, so you’re not, and you’re now cool with that.
As you journal to get to know yourself, you uncover hidden self-beliefs, limiting thoughts, personal preferences, different identities, and more. You can then decide to accept things or make changes.
Related: 50 Inspiring Self-Confidence Quotes to Celebrate Being You
Other ways to support yourself in the self-discovery process
Alongside journaling for self-discovery, you may want to try:
- Meditation.
- Talking with a trusted person.
- Creating art.
- Going out in nature.
- Strengthening your spiritual side.
- And other self-care activities.
Often, if we are intentional in seeking answers about knowing ourselves better, the answers will appear eventually. So, if you are still not clear after journaling about identity, self-discovery, and other related topics, give yourself a bit more time.
In addition, know that you donāt have to have yourself all figured out or be perfect. Remember that no one is perfect.
And finally, when you’re on a self-discovery journey, sometimes it helps to completely engage your brain in something you enjoy. That way, your intuition, and inner wisdom have some breathing room to sort things out in your subconscious. And more of your own self-wisdom can emerge.
What to do if you still feel lost
If you are feeling lost, please don’t be hard on yourself! Feeling lost in life is a horrible feeling, but that feeling exists for a greater purpose.
If you care at all about self-discovery, that means you know deep inside you have a purpose, a joy to find. That could mean a certain career path to follow, a family destiny, or a service destiny of some sort… Do not give up!
It can be incredibly challenging to experience confusion about identity. Or to feel like you don’t know yourself. But you do have many choices in life. You may not be aware of your own potential or of what is possible in your life. Often, we only see a tiny piece of the puzzle.
You will find yourself if you keep looking. And truthfully, you’re not lost. Your true self is right there in your heart! You just need to gain clarity.
Keep learning. Read lots of books, learn a new skill, or do something to get out of your comfort zone. Furthermore, affirm to yourself that you can be happy and never give up on your happiness.
Related: Finding Yourself- Quotes to Inspire You to Live Authentically
Concluding thoughts
Did you find these identity and self-discovery journal questions helpful? Did they spark any other ideas about yourself? I hope so!
I find that almost nothing is as helpful to gain clarity as journal writing. Time for self-introspection is always time well spent.
Know that seeking out your true self is an act of self-care. It’s not selfish to seek out what brings you joy and reflect on your true self. Your happiness really does affect the entire world.
I hope these journal prompts inspired you and helped you to discover some new things about yourself!
Self-discovery journal prompts PDF printable worksheet
You can download your PDF printable journal prompts below. Use them now or save them for when you have more time to write.
70 Self-Discovery Journal Prompts PDF Printable Worksheet
If you have anything youād like to share, please leave your thoughts in the comments. And have a lovely day!
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