Money Mindset Journal Prompts

35 Money Mindset Journal Prompts to Reveal Hidden Beliefs

Try these money mindset journal prompts to reveal your hidden money beliefs!

Have you ever wondered how your thoughts and beliefs about money shape your reality?

No matter if you’re wealthy or struggling, your mindset plays a powerful role when it comes to financial abundance. It can influence everything from how you handle your money to your capacity to manifest it.

Your money mindset, along with your beliefs about money impact the choices you make. These beliefs can be beneficial to experiencing financial abundance, or not. They can help you manifest and joyfully earn a decent income, or keep you stuck in patterns of lack and limitation.

Uncovering subconscious money beliefs can be helpful if you want to explore all avenues for financial success. By exploring your money beliefs through journaling, you can shift any thoughts not aligned with abundance, end negative thinking around money, and manifest a better financial reality.

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Money Mindset Journal Prompts

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35 Money Mindset Journal Prompts to Reveal Hidden Beliefs

Use these money mindset journal prompts to reveal hidden beliefs and start your journey toward a more abundant future. A PDF printable list is included at the end so you can download and print out the money mindset journaling questions if you’d like to write them later.

1. What instances from childhood caused you to believe you could or could not be wealthy?

2. What did your family teach you about wealth growing up?

3. How did the community you grew up in affect your money mindset?

4. What do you think is helpful or unhelpful about your money mindset?

5. How committed are you to creating the lifestyle you desire?

6. What excites you about money, and what scares you?

7. Do you believe that itā€™s easy to earn money? Why or why not?

8. Do you suspect you have any limiting beliefs about money? What are they?

9. Do you enjoy how you earn money? Why or why not?

10. In what other ways would you like to earn money?

11. What emotions do you associate with money? (e.g., fear, joy, anxiety, excitement.)

12. Do you believe that hard work is the only way to earn money? Why or why not?

13. How do you view wealthy people and how do you view people who are struggling financially?

14. Besides money, what else makes you feel wealthy or abundant?

15. How do you feel about your current financial situation?

16. Do you believe that you deserve to be wealthy? Why or why not?

17. What does financial freedom mean to you personally?

18. How do you like to spend money and what do you purchase?

19. Do you believe that making money can be easy and enjoyable? Why or why not?

20. What would your life look like if you had an abundance of money?

21. How do you talk about money in your everyday life?

22. Which problems do you believe that money can solve?

23. Which problems can money not solve?

24. How has your money mindset changed over time, if at all?

25. In what ways do you feel empowered or disempowered when it comes to making money?

26. Do you have any guilt or shame around wanting to be wealthy? Why?

27. How would your life change if you were suddenly very wealthy?

28. How would your life change if you suddenly had everything you wanted in life except for a bunch of money?

29. How often do you feel gratitude for the money you already have?

30. How do you feel about asking for more money in your career or business?

31. How generous or stingy are you with money or stuff, and what is your mindset when it comes to giving?

32. How accepting are you of other peopleā€™s generosity, including in ways unrelated to money (like when people offer you their help or want to gift you something.)

33. Do you believe that you can create wealth in ways that align with your values and passions?

34. What beliefs about money no longer serve you, and how can you let them go?

35. What new beliefs about money are you creating?

Money Mindset Journal Prompts PDF

You can download and print these journaling prompts about money mindset below:

PDF Printable Money Mindset Journal Prompts

The Ultimate Book of Journal Prompts

Final Thoughts

By exploring these money mindset journal prompts, youā€™re taking a positive step toward uncovering hidden beliefs about money that may be holding you back.

As you bring hidden subconscious thoughts into the light, you gain the power to reshape your money mindset and align it with what you truly desire.

As with many things in life, financial transformation begins with awareness and then proceeds to action. By reflecting on your beliefs and then improving your mindset as needed, you can manifest the financial reality you seek.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these journal prompts and that they can help you think deeper about your money mindset. thanks for reading and have a lovely day!

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