strength affirmations

50 Positive Affirmations for Mental Strength With Free Printable

Get 50 affirmations for mental strength to help you with what you’re going through. Free printable included.

When times get tough, sometimes you have to wade through the muck and face challenges head-on.

For this, you need a strong and resilient mindset. A mindset capable of facing difficulties with courage and inner strength. Think of a strong mindset as the energetic equivalent of knee-high mud boots.

Positive self-talk can help you prepare to face lifeā€™s inevitable challenges. And affirmations for mental strength are a way to feed your mind bravery, fortitude, and courage.

Life will never stop throwing us curveballs. Obstacles will always exist because they are a part of living in this reality. But we can at least try to mentally prepare. We can aim to face challenges with courage. Courage just means to “Feel the fear and do it anyway,” as author Susan Jeffers says.

So, whatever you need courage for today, may these mental strength affirmations empower and fortify you. A free printable affirmations list is included.

affirmations for mental strength

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Ok, without further wait, here are the affirmations. You can download them at the end of the list.

50 Positive Affirmations for Mental Strength

I embody pure strength

I am capable and always find a way.

I stand in my own energy, strong and firm.

I am tough and resilient.

I am powerful, yet peaceful and calm.

I am a powerful spiritual being having a human experience.

affirmations for mental strength

I make wise choices.

I am divinely protected.

I am tenacious.

I am solid, steady, and secure.

Any challenge I face is within my ability to handle.

mental strength affirmations

My mind is strong.

I chose to focus on positive thoughts.

I am in control of my mindset.

I command my own energy.

I embrace change.

I welcome challenges.

Challenges and difficulties help me grow.

This challenge is a part of my soul growth.

This challenge makes me stronger.

This challenge teaches me something worth knowing.

mental strength affirmations

This obstacle has long-term benefits.

Someday, this will help me help someone else.

I am prepared to face this.

I accept the challenge.

I’m already succeeding.

I am overcoming this challenge.

I have what it takes.

affirmations for mental strength

Obstacles empower me.

I am confident in my inner strength.

I am confident I can face this challenge.

I trust the Universe has presented this challenge to me for a reason.

I can and I will.

Done and done.

My mindset is incredibly tough.

My mindset is a ninja.

mental strength affirmations

I’ve got this.

My inner strength is backed by the power of The Universe.

Good energy comes to me.

I am a magnet for positive energy.

The good energy of my angels and spirit guides surround me.

I keep getting stronger and smarter.

I am right on track.

Things are working out for me in amazing ways.

mental strength affirmations

I’m better than ever and stronger than ever.

Inner strength shines out of me like a white light.

And I’ve got inner strength to spare.

My inner strength is beautiful and immaculate.

Trusting thoughts strengthen and empower me.

My mindset is my most powerful tool.

mental strength affirmations

Free Printable Affirmations for Mental Strength

You can download the strength affirmations using the link below. Then print and read any time you feel like it.

Positive Mental Strength Affirmations

To get in the habit of using these affirmations on a regular basis, hang them on your wall, leave them in your car for when youā€™re stuck in traffic, or post them at your desk. That way you can view them often. May these affirmations empower and strengthen you.

Concluding thoughts on the power of affirmations

A positive belief in your ability to face and conquer challenges can make a huge difference in how you experience those challenges. Your mindset is the difference between experiencing obstacles with struggle or dealing with them a bit easier. And ideally, in a way that empowers you in the long run.

Using strength affirmations is a simple way to create positive and empowered thoughts. Thoughts create your reality experience since they cause your emotions. And emotions create your energetic vibration. So, it’s important to make your thoughts work for you, not against you. Keep your energy vibration high and forge ahead with courage!

I hope you have enjoyed these 50 affirmations for mental strength. May they empower you to stay strong and overcome obstacles. Feel free to share. Have a lovely day!

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