Start a Creative Business as a Stay at Home Mom
So you want to start a creative business as a stay-at-home mom? Awesome-sauce.
It’s completely possible to start a business when you’re home with kids. In fact, it’s a great time to do so!
Any business takes time, energy, focus, and resilience. Kids take even more.
Taking care of children 24/7 can make the idea of starting a creative business on top of all those diapers feel overwhelming, but don’t let it stop you. Our children are naturally our number one priority, but our creative and financial needs matter, too.
How can we find balance as parents, entrepreneurs, and artists? There’s no one answer because each family is unique, but I can suggest the time management skills I use which have helped me start multiple home businesses as a stay-at-home mom of 2.
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How to Start a Creative Business as a Stay-at-Home Mom
1. Choose a time of day that realistically works for you
With a baby, I prefer working during nap time. It’s my mompreneur time. But if you can be up at 4:30 am to work until your baby/kids get up at 5:30 or 6:30, go for it.
If you prefer to work at night, then do that. Figure out what time of day works best for you. I find it best not to force working at hours you’re not naturally inclined to work unless you feel that you must, (and sometimes you must!) But I’m not getting up at 4:30 am unless it’s for my kids.
Related: A Simple Self-Care Morning Routine for Moms
2. Once you choose a time, stay consistent
Taking action is key. Even just one hour a day, four days a week can really make a difference. Maybe you can throw in an hour some weekends. In a few months, whatever project you are working on will have grown quite a bit. It may feel like you are getting nowhere at times because it’s all happening so slowly, but just stay with it. The time you’re putting in matters.
Your idea is becoming tangible. One brick at a time. Your future self will thank you.
3. Accept the snail’s pace and use it to your advantage
Making slow progress can feel discouraging, but there is a silver lining.
Slow progress gives you more time to think, define, and perfect your vision. Take full advantage of that.
When you don’t have time to work on your creative project or business, focus on planning out all the details. When you are changing diapers, cooking dinner, or cleaning up the spaghetti sauce, connect to your vision and ruminate. By doing this, you are setting the framework to manifest your vision in time.
4. Let no household chores stand in the way of your creative business
If you are planning on working during nap time, or from 8:30- 9:45 pm, then set yourself up for success for your work time.
Get your journal, a snack, whatever you need, and get yourself in place to work. Don’t let a huge pile of laundry or Facebook stop you. Do all that before or after your work time.
It’s super easy to say “Well, I didn’t have time to work on my creative venture today because I had to clean up cat puke, and vacuum, and go to the store, and take a shower, and…”
Don’t sabotage your work time by getting distracted with daily life. Be disciplined.
Related: How to Work From Home With Kids Productively {Plus Free Printable Checklist!}
5. Plan ahead for success
Going along with what I just said, you can aim to make your entire day fit seamlessly around your work hour/s.
For example, I try to have leftovers or something super quick for my lunch. That way, when my littlest goes down for a nap, I don’t waste time fixing anything that takes more than 1 minute.
My outfit is put out the night before and my oldest daughter’s school lunch is packed the night before. I run the dishwasher each night, and if possible, empty it that night before bed.
As minor as these small tasks may seem, planning ahead really helps. Planning ahead is the difference between a hectic morning with no proper coffee time, or smooth sailing right up ’till nap. A little foresight can go a long way.
Ultimately, you’ll need to work harder than ever to start a business as a stay-at-home mom. But that doesn’t mean torturing yourself with too much on your plate.
As Steve Jobs famously said “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”
Your time working should, at least much of the time, feel inspired. Using your creative powers should bring joy. Otherwise, it may not be the right thing.
Concluding thoughts on starting a creative business as a SAHM
Plan your day wisely to accomplish your dreams. Enjoy your kids, your time working on your creative business, and eventually the rewards of your hard work.
Some days may not work out so perfectly, but that’s life. Some days nothing gets accomplished, and some days can be huge leaps forward. Despite having limited time to build your home business, it can be done. You can start a business as a stay-at-home mom. Keep going and have patience.
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