Things Not to Do With Crystals

7 Things Not to Do With Crystals That Can Cause Problems

If you’re new to the world of crystals, you’re likely in learning mode, discovering all kinds of crystal information.

As you know, different crystals have different benefits and properties. There are many ways to use crystals, including for meditation, personal growth, and more. But, there are things you should not do with crystals.

Although crystals are easy to work with and generally not dangerous, there are a few things to know about how not to use crystals. These things can bring less-than-ideal results.

You don’t want to make crystal mistakes that negatively affect their benefits or physical form. You also don’t want to waste your energy trying to use certain crystals for purposes they aren’t equipped for.

So, let’s talk about 7 things not to do with crystals. Knowing these tips will increase your confidence and skills as a crystal lover and practitioner.

Things Not to Do With Crystals

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7 Things NOT to Do With Crystals

1. Donā€™t skip cleansing their energy upon acquiring them

When you first get a new crystal, always cleanse its energy. Crystals can hold the energy of previous owners and environments, which can influence their effectiveness. Even if you purchase them from a reputable source, it’s a good practice to clear away any lingering energy.

There are several methods for cleansing crystals, such as smudging with sage, placing them in moonlight, or using sound vibrations. Choose a method that resonates with you and your belief system.

By cleansing your crystals, you ensure they are ready to work with your personal energy and intentions, free from any past influences.

2. Donā€™t combine certain crystals

Newbies may not know this, but not all crystals work well together. Some crystal combinations have conflicting energies that may not be beneficial. For example, pairing a highly energizing crystal with a soothing one might dilute their individual effects.

Before combining crystals, research their properties and how they interact with one another. Some crystals, like clear quartz, amplify the energy of other stones, while others might cancel each other out.

Understanding these interactions will help you create harmonious and effective crystal grids and arrangements.

3. Donā€™t use energizing crystals in relaxing spaces and vice versa

Itā€™s important to match the energy of your crystals to the energy of the space you place them in. Energizing crystals like carnelian and citrine are great for workspaces but might disrupt sleep if placed in the bedroom. Conversely, calming crystals like amethyst and rose quartz are perfect for relaxation areas but may not provide the motivation needed in a home office.

Be mindful of the purpose of your space and choose crystals that support that energy. This way, you can maximize the benefits of your crystals and create an environment that aligns with your intentions.

Related: 10 Crystals That Should Not Be in Your Bedroom

4. Donā€™t allow crystals to collect dust

Crystals are energetic tools, and neglecting them can dull their energy. Dust and grime can block their natural vibrations, making them less effective. Regularly cleaning your crystals is essential to maintain their energy.

Wipe your crystals down gently with a soft cloth and use appropriate methods for more thorough cleanings, such as rinsing under water if the crystal can handle it. (Do your research first since some crystals, such as selenite, should not be in water.)

Keeping your crystals clean ensures they remain vibrant and energetically potent.

5. Donā€™t overlook the power of intention-setting

When using crystals, it’s always a good idea to set your intentions with them. Without a defined purpose, the crystals may not work as effectively.

You can say, think, or write your intention for using a certain crystal.

Some good examples of intention setting with crystals would be:

  • I intend to use this black tourmaline as protection from negative energy.
  • This crystal will be used to increase my focus at work today.
  • I intend to use this rose quartz to empower my journaling so that I may express myself fully.

Related: 50 Examples of How to Write Intentions for Meditation

6. Donā€™t skip charging your crystals

Crystals benefit from being recharged regularly to maintain their energy. Over time, they can become energetically depleted and thus, less effective. Crystal charging methods vary and can include sunlight, sound vibrations, or smudging.

Choose a method that feels right for you and your crystals. Regularly charging them ensures they stay energetically potent and ready to support your intentions.

7. Donā€™t expect everyone else to agree with you about crystals, but donā€™t be afraid to share your beliefs

Crystals hold different meanings for different people. While you may deeply believe in their power, others might be skeptical. That’s fine. It’s important to respect others’ beliefs while also feeling confident in your own opinions.

When discussing crystals, share what you think. Be open and respectful, and understand that everyone is on their own path. Sharing your beliefs can inspire others, but it’s okay if not everyone shares your enthusiasm. It’s also okay if your beliefs are not set in stone, are based on intuition, or if they shift or change over time.

Final Thoughts

If you’re reading this and you’re not a rookie (newbie), can you think of any other things not to do with crystals?

In my opinion, most of the time, you can’t mess up too badly using crystals. Crystal mistakes are not even a big deal usually. But, following these guidelines are a good idea.

There’s still so much we don’t know about crystals, but many people swear by them. Crystals are beautiful and have a certain feel. They bring positive energy and happiness. I just love my crystals, what about you?

I hope you enjoyed this article and best wishes on your crystal adventures!

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