Using Your Creative Powers to Make Money Online: What You Need to Know
If you’re a creative person who wants to make money online by expressing yourself, making art, and being extra, you need to understand your creative powers. Fully understanding your creative powers gives you confidence and helps you leverage your creative energy to the max.
When it comes to working in a creative field or starting a creative business, the first thing to know is that you can make money from your creativity. It’s not unrealistic at all and plenty of people do so.
There are many fun ways to make money online as an artist, writer, or creative person. So let’s talk some more about having creative powers, why they’re valuable, and how to leverage them!

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5 Things to Know About Your Creative Powers
Keep in mind this article is based on my opinion. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
1. Everyone Needs You
Businesses need you, social media needs you, the internet needs you, and individual people need you. Your art and content create a real human connection, even if that connection is mostly online and not in person.
When it comes to the connection you create with people online, you are incredibly valuable. Without you, the internet is boring.
Our society has lost a large portion of real-life connection and unless something changes, we are probably going to continue to connect online more and more.
Therefore, whatever your art, whatever you want to share, it is not only needed and wanted but it’s vital energy.
2. Be Human and Don’t be Afraid to Fail
To leverage your creative powers, just be you, a human.
Make mistakes, be cringe, say it wrong, whatever.
Your authenticity and creativity are essential, especially with the influx of AI. AI is pretty lame without humans editing it or prompting it. (Well, the version they let us commoners have, anyway.)
When it comes to creative powers, you must realize you have them and that they are awesome. They come from a divine source, no matter if you call it God or the Universe or something else.
Be brave, be confident, and put your creativity out there in whatever form. Don’t hold back or worry you’re not good enough. You are worthy!
This might seem obvious, but you also need to take action and use your creative powers regularly, especially if you want to make money with your art or content.
If you haven’t done anything creative for a while or experience art block, do not fear. Art block is a symptom of being an artist. Non-artists don’t get art block.
3. Follow Your Intuition, Chase Whims, and Be Impulsive
As a creative person, you have to give yourself permission to try new creative things. You have to follow your gut creatively, even if it doesn’t make sense to everyone else and they all think you’re crazy.
And if your idea doesn’t work out, whatever. Creative people have lots of good ideas and it’s hard to choose just one. Failed ideas are nothing to feel bad about.
Try another creative idea, keep it moving. If you lose money or time, forgive yourself.
Explore creative pathways, entertain strange ideas, follow emotions, and be a badass.
Even if you think you’re the shyest, least badass person ever, you’re different from the rest and it’s so good.
4. Speak It Into Existence
As you take action to leverage your creative powers, make sure to speak your success, joy, happiness, and prolific excellence into existence.
Use positive self-talk and speak words of affirmation to yourself. Be on fire with the creative energy within you!
By consistently affirming your creative power, you reinforce your belief in your abilities, which in turn strengthens your confidence, inspiration, and motivation.
The combination of action and a positive, affirmative mindset helps to align your energy with having fun being a creative genius, which is awesome.
Your words carry power, so use them use them wisely to manifest your creative visions into reality.
5. Know That You Are Your Niche
When it comes to your creative work, understand that you are your niche. Everyone is their own niche.
This significance is related to the fact that everyone wants and needs your unique creativity because they want to feel a human connection.
People want other people in general, and there’s plenty of room for you since you’re a human with a unique filter.
If you want to work in a creative field or start a creative business this is really good news.
You don’t need to change or fit into a mold. You just need to be you!
The bottom line is that there are lots of people who will appreciate your “brand” of creativity. Some won’t and that’s ok, too. You are your own niche and if you can own it, you can kick butt!
Final Thoughts
To leverage your creative powers you must recognize them and use them.
Stop thinking small and realize your creativity is super valuable.
To make money as a creative person expressing yourself, making art, and being extra, you need to claim your creative powers, be positive, and keep going.
Try different things, follow your intuition, feel the creative fire within, develop confidence, and keep creating!
I hope this article has inspired you. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments and have a wonderful day.
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